
13 April 2013

Orang Utan's Escape Papertoy

Yesterday I found awesome website. It realized me about existence of Orang Utan, primates typical rainforest, especially in Indonesia.

They are They love these great primates in many ways. So should us, aren't we?

Yup, I am Indonesian. So this inspires me to design something about this. I know I can't help much. However, I just hope I can give little bit helps.

By this I remind us for caring nature. If possible we might be able to give support such a non-profit organization that needs donations.

My papertoy is also a joke, looks like Orang Utan is ready to escape from the earth. Haha

The pattern is only in single sheet of paper.
Now with no password. I still see some people with mac have trouble to open the pdf.

There isn't instructions too, because this papertoy is easy enough to understand. Just see at the picture.

After printing it, you need scisssor and glue to build it, and other simple technique necessary. If you have any question, just write comment below.

Download Orang Utan's Escape papertoy

Happy crafting! ^^

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