28 June 2014

WING ZERO Gundam 1:60 papercraft

Hi! If you following tos-craft premium facebook page, you already know what is my latest work.
Here it is, Gundam wing Zero.

All I can say, this papercraft not have very complex shape. I keep shapes simple and easy to build.

Maybe a bad news for some of you, because I release this 1:60 scale model as premium model.
But, fortunately, you can try some part with free! And can be your consideration for buying the full template one.
The free part are Head and Body, which can be Bust model!

Another surprise, I decided to make pdo instructions. For you who familiar and often use pdo file, I try to improving other kind of pdo files. Pdo file can desribed as 3D instructions which opened by pepakura viewer. Get pepakura viewer on tamasoft.co.jp

Details shots, click to enlarge:

Here templates link> Gundam Wing Zero by Tos-craft.

There are two kind of templates:

Blank template for Colored fancy paper(majestic, stardream, or jamine, etc).
Color template for white paper(Brief card or Art cartoon, etc).


  1. Hello
    I am interested in buying your model, but I have a problem I dont have paypal account, but I can ask a friend to pay you and you send it to me via e-mail.
    let me know if you're interested, Greetings. -

    1. yes, its ok friend Don C, just notice me what his paypal account.
      sorry for late reply

  2. Hi guy,
    I'm interested your wing but I don't have paypal acc. also. How we can get it to full model -_-"

  3. mas, mau tanya.. ini pake kertas apa? terima ksih :D

  4. Bonjour,
    Je suis très intéressé par tes templates.
    Cependant, je viens de payer pour la version complète et je n'ai rien reçu ni téléchargé.
    Pourrais tu régler ce problème s'il te plait?
    En tout cas merci et bravo pour ce modèle!

  5. kirain gratis mahaal...mending beli plastiknya deh..gak ribet

  6. i just bought your papercraft, where do i get the file

  7. i just bought your papercraft, where do i get the file

  8. Replies
    1. i have the pdo of gundam wings zero full.. reps on my email add.. deathstring1973@gmail.com

  9. hi,good job!! :)you can still buy?

  10. do you sell pdo file for pepakura designer??

  11. i just bought your papercraft, where do i get the file

  12. Punya E-Wallet??
    Tapi tidak tau mau diapakan???

    Mari manfaatkan E-Wallet anda sebagai sumber penghasilan setiap harinya

    Info hub
    WA : 0822 6793 2581
