21 December 2014

NUSA Yellow Nusantaranger

Ok, kali ini papercraft Nusantaranger seriesnya berlanjut ke Nusa Yellow! ^^ 
Cukup simpel kok, buat yang pernah merakit Nusa Red, nyaris sama tingkat kesulitannya.
Belum tau kisahnya Nusantaranger? simak secara online di nusantaranger.com

Udah selesai ngerakit Nusa Red? boleh dong dishare ^^ cek page tos-craft di facebook.
(Btw gambar previewnya udah diupdate, jadi ada tampilan depan, atas, samping, belakang. Semoga membantu.)

10 December 2014

NUSA RED Nusantaranger

Kabar gembira buat Jagawana! hehe :)
Kali ini saya mau share papercraft yang cukup simpel, yaitu Nusa Merah, dari Nusantaranger comic web.
Serial ini bisa dibaca online di nusantaranger.com

24 October 2014

RX 0 Unicorn Gundam 01, 02(N) Banshee, 03 Phenex papercraft

Very well done! ^^ My friend Paperroni, edited tos-craft's unicorn gundam (unicorn mode) 1:144 scale. The original one released at paper-replika.com, and also have premium parts.
Here's tos-crafts Unicorn gundam at PR. (include pdo file as instructions)

And now we can release three templates in one!
Paperroni has editted tos-craft version, plus, make Banshee and Phenex.
He even build them nicely,

20 October 2014

TOOTHLESS (How to Train Your Dragon 2) Papercraft

Last year, I have promised to make toothless from How to Train Your Dragon movies. So this is a very long work until I'm confidence enough to design this. So sorry for that. I'm big fan of Dreamworks animation so I really want to make the good one toothless.

Okay, Im good enough now, but this papercraft still on 'medium' level of difficulty. An original template is very small, so there other same template labelled larger which easier to build.

28 June 2014

WING ZERO Gundam 1:60 papercraft

Hi! If you following tos-craft premium facebook page, you already know what is my latest work.
Here it is, Gundam wing Zero.

All I can say, this papercraft not have very complex shape. I keep shapes simple and easy to build.

Maybe a bad news for some of you, because I release this 1:60 scale model as premium model.
But, fortunately, you can try some part with free! And can be your consideration for buying the full template one.
The free part are Head and Body, which can be Bust model!

27 June 2014

Mercurius 1:60 papercraft

 Hi, this is Mercurius papercraft, appear in manga(comic), and TV series of gundam wing, Piloted by Heero Yuy.

This model released as premium model before. But I released this for free now. Hope you like it.

I remind you this is old files, so maybe its have some errors. You can improving while build it.

10 April 2014

PORORO Papercraft

Here I am learning texturing on sketchup 3D software.
Pororo looks simple but this my first try on texturing.
Not really good but enough this time.
Unfortunately I have no time to test build, :( maybe I'll give some photos next time.

08 April 2014

METAL SLUG Papercraft (Super Vehicle-001)

Here is my old design.
Available in blank pattern and color pattern,
But I am bad for texturing, so maybe you can retexturing
the color template for better look.
Just one picture. :)

Grab it now!

Metal Slug

21 February 2014

DESTINY Gundam 1:144 papercraft

Destiny gundam!

Again, I did it in 1:144 scale.

even more complex than earlier exia gundam -_-'

I dont want to make harder-build models,

but I just try at maximum details of its scale.
Don't be worry, if you see the patterns, there are no very complicated shapes.
I try to keep it simply.I will say again, may this can be trending to other designers. ^^a

30 January 2014

EXIA Gundam 1:144 papercraft

Ok time for more badass model.
Yup its GN 001 Exia Gundam

There are many gundam model around the internet
but almost all of them are 1:60 scale. 
Its hard to build, need alot of paperstock, and need big space.
Or if you find gundam model with a few patterns, probably its SD scale.

So here I try to have my own concept, 1:144,
save space, and keep in proportional shape!
Of course its very simplified. May this can be trending to other designers. ^^a

Mr Peabody papertoy

Here simple papertoy for upcoming movie from my favorite animations studio!
Mr. Peabody and sherman will released in March 7th in US. You can watch the official trailers on their facebook fanpage